11 hours of live radio to support Dutch horticulture
Added on 22 April 2020

The idea is to make this Thursday into a day for and with horticulture, to support each other, to help each other, to inform each other, to give each other tips, to assist each other and to continue doing business together in these hard times. The goal of the day is therefore to express the 'all-together feeling' and to remain positive.
Interviews, news, and music
Those who tune in to the horticultural channel Paprika Tasty Radio (www.paprikatastyradio.nl) will be treated to an extensive program between 6 am and 5 pm Dutch time. Listeners will hear interviews, news flashes and music all day long.
Of course, the program will be in Dutch, but feel free to tune in any time. Just go to www.paprikatastyradio.nl or install the free radio app. And if you want to talk about the initiative on social media, please use #hortifront. Because together we will unite and stay strong during the corona crisis.
Source: Goedemorgen
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