55 districts specializing in horticulture
Added on 10 January 2020

Fruit and vegetable clusters are created on the basis of a tripartite agreement between the initiator and, accordingly, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regional khokimiyats and the Ministry of Agriculture.
According to the resolution, it will be:
- a complete inventory of existing orchards and vineyards was carried out in all 55 districts specializing in horticulture;
- address lists of updated inefficient orchards and vineyards in the context of each district were formed and approved according to the results of the inventory;
- the creation of new orchards and vineyards has been ensured, having previously assigned them to a specific horticultural cluster or agricultural association.
Intensive orchards and vineyards will be created on the following lands, greenhouses will be built with their transfer to the population on a leasing and loan basis:
- open land not used in agriculture;
- low-yielding areas and areas released from under cotton and grain;
- land occupied by unsuitable orchards and vineyards.
In accordance with the decision:
- subsidies will be allocated to members of agricultural associations and participants in fruit and vegetable clusters to recover part of the cost of purchasing intensive seedlings (dwarf and semi-dwarf) and stocks grown in local conditions;
- guarantees will be provided on loans issued by commercial banks to finance investment projects in viticulture;
- subsidies will be allocated to members of agricultural associations created in order to ensure employment of low-income families.
Source: Uz Daily
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Source: Uz Daily
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