Again top managers to the Netherlands
Added on 06 January 2020

Most participants are general managers, some of them will reach that position within some 5 years from now. Ed Smit of Jungle Talks shares that also this year the level of the candidates exceeded expectations. 'We received applications from around the globe and finally selected 15 participants. The majority of this edition's participants come from European countries like Germany, Denmark, Finland, Czech Republic and Poland. But we also selected three excellent candidates from Mexico, Colombia and one from Indonesia. It remains difficult to select young Dutch managers, but we did select a young Dutch grower, active in the UAE now.'
All participants are highly motivated and keen on expanding their network. During the course they will not only meet with Dutch suppliers, but the group dynamics during the two course weeks has proved to be invaluable for participants. After returning to their respective countries and companies, participants maintain in touch, exchange knowledge and information and even initiate projects or start cooperation.
During two intensive weeks in the Netherlands, the selected participants are immersed in a wealth of horticultural knowledge and experience. Koppert Biological Systems, Ridder, Hortilux Schrčder, Agro Energy, BOM Group, Metazet Formflex, Koppert Cress, Royal Brinkman and Gearbox are partners of the Pro Manager Mastercourse, while the event is further supported by the World Horti Center, Wageningen UR, Brightlands, Yes!Delft and companies like Micothon, Bruins Recruitment and Lely. In close cooperation with these companies and institutes a high quality visit program has been compiled.
Cooperating companies' directors are receiving the participants and will discuss merely strategy and vision, not so much products or services. That experience must give the participants a final encouragement in their development towards the strategic steps to be taken in their own company. After two weeks of company visits, complemented by inspirational sessions, workshops and a visit to the Fruit Logistica, the participants will present their personal vision on the future of the international vegetable production sector and the role of their company in it.
"We are very proud these leading companies and organizations work together to support and inspire this international group,' says Ed Smit. "Jungle Talks will maintain and foster the contacts between participants, partners and supporters also after the Pro Manager Mastercourse, in order to make sure that all parties will make the most of this valuable cooperation." Pro Manager Mastercourses Medicinal Cannabis in June 2020 Following a successful edition in 2019, this is the second Pro Manager Mastercourse Vegetables Jungle Talks is organizing. This vegetable edition will be succeeded by the 2nd edition of the Pro Manager Mastercourse Medicinal Cannabis, which will be organized during the second and third week of June 2020. More information on this event will follow soon.
Source: Goedemorgen
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