Freshbay to launch geothermal-powered CEA facility

Freshbay to launch geothermal-powered CEA facility

On Feb. 21, Freshbay Inc. announced it has received a purchase agreement from Berrymobile Fruit Distribution Inc. is one of western Canada’s premium, local, soft fruit wholesalers, for 15 million pounds of strawberries annually. This is a major step toward securing the economics of Freshbay’s agriculture facility near Hinton, Alta.

As announced on Feb. 9, Freshbay is launching a large-scale, deep earth geothermal-powered, 19-acre controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) facility, expected to begin operations in Hinton in January 2024. The project will use cutting-edge vertical farming technologies, greenhouses, and scientific horticulture procedures to create 100 per cent sustainable operations to grow herbs, strawberries and tropical fruits year-round in remote regions. Freshbay is set to provide a major boost to the local economy, specifically by creating a projected 450 new full-time jobs.

This first of its kind project uses heat from geothermal wells and cogeneration to directly heat, power and supplement CO2-enriched air for over 800,000 square feet of new Atlantis greenhouses outfitted with Affinor Growers Inc. turnkey vertical farming technology.

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