Become a licensed cannabis producer in B.C.
Added on 08 July 2020

This guide is for cultivating (such as growing and harvesting) and processing (such as manufacturing and packaging) cannabis for commercial purposes and relates to businesses of all sizes.
To grow up to four non-medical cannabis plants at home, see our Fact Sheet. To produce cannabis for your own medical purposes, refer to the federal registration system. For hemp licensing, see Health Canada's Guide. For cannabis retail store licensing, refer to B.C.'s application system.
Why Get Licensed?
If you intend to produce medical or non-medical cannabis for commercial purposes, you are required by law to be licensed. Obtaining the appropriate licences allows for your products to reach a broad base of public and private authorized retail outlets in B.C. and throughout Canada.
Click here to check Step-by-Step Guide.
Photo: Freepik
<a href=''>Flower photo created by jcomp -</a>
Source: British Columbia
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