Best veggies and herbs to start an indoor garden
Added on 29 July 2020

Continue reading to get a complete guide on how to start one and the best vegetables and herbs to start with.
What you need:
1. Seeds
These are the very first things you will need for your garden. Get some from your nearby stores. This way, you can leverage the knowledge from professionals you find there. Each packet comes with instructions and valuable information about the plant. Be sure to read that.
2. Potting mix
Soil from outside is most likely infested by pests and diseases. You need to avoid it. Purchase a potting mix from the stores. This mostly comes with the required nutrients, so you will not be required to add fertilizer.
Some herbs such as thyme, bay laurel, rosemary and oregano are natively from the Mediterranean weather. These do well in fast-draining soil mixes. A mix of regular mix and cactus mix is ideal in such cases. Others can do well in regular potting mix, but it should never stay soggy. However, ask for one with fewer nutrients for starting the seeds.
3. Containers
You can purchase these from the stores. Alternatively, you can DIY using reusable containers at home. Just make sure to poke some holes at the bottom for drainage purposes. You will also need a tray that will hold the water draining from your pots to avoid making messes indoors.
4. Watering cans
These come in varieties. Purchase one that matches your pockets. You can also make your own by poking holes in say, a water bottle. Really, anything will do.
5. Light
The sun is the ideal option for providing light to the plants. If, however, your indoors don't get enough natural light, which is usually the case, you can always go the artificial way. LED grow lights are a perfect option as they offer a full spectrum of the sun. You just need to position them well to cover the area of your indoor garden.
6. Other requirements
Plants have different watering requirements. Rule of the thumb, however, only water when the soil is dry. Test the moisture by sticking your finger deep into the soil. Your plants will also require humidity to thrive; you can run the humidifier near them once in a while. You can also spritz the leaves several times in a day.
Common problems with indoor plants
Common problems with indoor plants include poor lighting, humidity and watering problems, and placement problems. Ensure that the plants are getting enough light, humidity and water. To make sure that you are putting them in the right place, let them sit over your rta kitchen cabinets, where enough sunlight will get to them, you can also place them in your living room near a big window. Another problem with indoor plants is pests and infections. Ask a professional for the best fungicide or organic method such as using neem oil to use to get rid of them.
Best herbs to start with:
1. Basil
Basil can be started from seed or from a cutting. However, it grows in a few weeks. You might need to plant them every other week to keep a regular supply.
This herb is sun and warmth-loving. Grow it in a window that gets direct light most of the day, or use the aforementioned LED lights for plant growth.
2. Mint
There is a variety of fragrances to choose from when it comes to mint. Whether you choose the peppermint or sprigs, grow them in moderate to strong light. Mint will not only give off a pleasant fragrance, but you can also use it to make your own homemade tea, and even gift it when you're being hosted as a guest. It will definitely make your present and sense of gratitude stand out.
3. Bay laurel
These thrive in a fast-draining soil mix and a good amount of light. An east or west-facing window would be ideal here. Ensure to give it a good air circulation. Other herbs that are easy for a beginner include thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley, chives and chervil among others. All of these are not only good for a beginner in gardening, but also a beginner in seasoning, because they are the best options to start with when you want to spice up your dishes.
Best veggies to start with:
1. Radishes
Radishes require moderate light. Be sure to give them a roomy pot for the growing bulbs. Usually when planting the seeds, you put more than necessary, assuming that not all of them will germinate. Fair enough. However, go easy on that one too because bulbs usually need more space to thrive, and you don't want them hindering each-other's growth.
2. Scallions
Compared to other vegetables, scallions require less light. These can be grown from seeds or replanting the roots. This is what makes scallions so suitable for gardening beginners, you won't have to worry too much about light exposure or positioning, and it also gives you a good practice when it comes to attempting gardening in terms of replanting the roots.
3. Carrots
Carrots require at least 12 hours of light a day and a temperature of about 60 degrees. Give them a deep container but not necessarily big spaces between them. This will give you good practice in estimating the right temperature and duration of light exposure. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to experiment with LED lights, as the weather might vary and your carrots will not get the light exposure they ultimately need.
4. Leafy greens
Just like carrots, leafy salad greens such as kale, arugula and spinach require at least 12 hours of light a day and a temperature of about 60 degrees. These get ready in about a month indoors. Therefore, it can be sometimes easy to give up on them as they don't give "fruit" until an extended period of time. However, be patient, you will most definitely be proud of the results.
Other veggies to grow indoors include tomatoes (baby tomatoes would be more suitable, as growing actual tomatoes includes some stages, space, and time) , potatoes, microgreens, and hot peppers among others.
Starting indoor veggies and herbs garden is easy. Just be sure to provide the requirements in the right amounts to keep the garden rewarding you. Once you start with indoor gardening, or just gardening in general, you will definitely reap numerous benefits, outside the spectrum of just organic food on your table.
You will without question stand out as a unique gift giver, it will teach you a sense of responsibility, make you more considerate of your local goods producers, give you the sense of contributing to the greater purpose of a more sustainable planet, it will provide you with something more physically involving to do every day, and definitely the luxury of a peaceful and relaxed mind.
By Inna Atwood
Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash
Source: Goedemorgen
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