Coronavirus & Greenhouse industry: What we know so far
Added on 14 June 2020

Here are some of the more recent updates. This post was last updated June 11, 2020.
June 10: Peer-to-Peer Grower Advice on Coming Out of Spring Stronger Than Ever
Horticulture is a durable and determined industry, and it's these traits that have helped ornamental growers overcome perhaps their toughest spring ever.
June 9: Canadian Greenhouse Conference Goes Virtual for 2020
This year's event will not have a trade show, but will offer a select number of educational sessions.
June 7: Flower Growers Optimistic About COVID-19 Recovery
A new survey of international growers and grower associations by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and FloraCulture International (FCI) shows nearly three-quarters (71%) of the industry believes that most growers will soon recover after the coronavirus crisis.
June 6: The Latest on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
On Thursday, June 4, Robert Guenther, Senior Vice President, Public Policy at the United Fresh Produce Association, provided an update on the program.
June 1: Good News to Report on 2020 Mother's Day Sales
Floral industry and consumer surveys conducted by the Society of American Florists (SAF) show overwhelmingly positive Mother's Day sales results, despite the global coronavirus pandemic.
May 31: How You Can Adapt COVID-19 Workarounds Into Your New Normal (Opinion)
Once we get through this immediate crisis, there will soon be an opportunity to establish our new normal. Some of these workarounds may no longer need to be implemented, but many of them will be integrated into the new routine.
May 27: Some Ornamentals Events Moving to 2021, Others Going Virtual
The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect several industry events planned for this summer. Here's an update.
May 24: The Latest PPP Loan Forgiveness Guidance for Greenhouse Growers
With more clarification coming out regarding Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness, AmericanHort recently offered some helpful advice.
May 23: Why Cannabis Should Be Included in COVID-19 Relief
A new survey indicates that tens of thousands of cannabis jobs could be saved if Congress were to allow federal stimulus funds to flow through to state-legal companies.
May 18: Six Opportunities to Boost Your Plant Business This Summer
Despite the challenges many companies have faced this spring, here are a few projected summer trends you might want to jump on in the next few months.
May 17
Grower Groups Emphasize Worker Safety: Read Their Message
Specialty crop growers want to make it clear that not only are they essential to the nation's infrastructure, they are also doing everything they can to protect worker safety.
What We Know About the Status of Several Upcoming Horticulture Events
Here's a closer look at the status of greenhouse events such as Cultivate, United Fresh, upcoming flower trials, and more.
May 15
USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance and Food Box Program Update
USDA recently approved $1.2 billion in contracts through its Farmers to Families Food Box Program in a continued response to the coronavirus crisis. While the move is positive, it's not without some controversy.
May 11
Darwin Perennials Days Goes Digital
The annual showcase of new perennials will include a weeks' worth of virtual education and other activities this June.
COVID-19 Hits Home at New York Greenhouse Vegetable Operation
Here's what we know about what's happening at Green Empire Farms in upstate New York, where more than 150 workers have tested positive for coronavirus, as well as steps you can take to protect the health and safety of your employees.
May 10
Update on Relief Funds From the Small Business Administration
There's good news and (potential) bad news for controlled-environment greenhouse growers and others in the horticulture industry looking for financial relief at the federal level to help with the financial implications of the coronavirus.
May 9
Horticulture in a Post COVID-19 World
It's still too soon to tell what imprint the coronavirus will leave on the horticulture industry. What is certain is that COVID-19 will rewrite our future course.
How Growers, Retailers, and Suppliers Can Work Together During COVID-19
The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture (NICH) hosted a webinar on May 5 that offered tools, tips, and resources to all segments of the horticulture industry that are planning for a world beyond the coronavirus.
May 8
Why Mental Health During a Time Like This Matters to You and Your Team
One of the underlying effects of the coronavirus lies beyond the bottom line of your business. It's the mental health of you, your team, and your company's extended family.
May 6
$1 Million in Orchids Donated to Frontline Workers
Throughout this week, more than 50,000 frontline workers across the country will receive orchids in time for Mother's Day thanks to a $1 million donation program courtesy of Just Add Ice orchid brand. The deliveries will take place in seven markets hit hardest by COVID-19: NYC, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit, Tampa, and Northeast Ohio. "In this extraordinary time, it was important to our organization to find ways we could contribute and the answer was clear - our orchids can brighten some of the darkest days," says Scott Giesbrecht, Co-CEO of Just Add Ice and Green Circle Growers.
May 5
More Major Food Purchases in the Works from USDA
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has announced details of $470 million in Section 32 food purchases to occur in the third quarter of fiscal year 2020, in addition to purchases previously announced, which will enable USDA to purchase surplus food for distribution to communities nationwide amid the coronavirus emergency. Click here for more details about the produce commodities on the list.
Plant Breeders Offer Community Support
Dümmen Orange and Armstrong Garden Centers recently handed out orchids and hanging baskets to medical personnel, while Star Roses and Plants has launched a campaign to encourage planting.
May 4
Preparing Your Workplace for a Return to Normal
As more states begin to lift stay-at-home orders and allow more businesses to open, here are some tips on how you can take the same approach while working within social distancing guidelines.
May 3
How COVID-19 Might Affect Your Guestworker Housing
Proposed rules in Washington State based on social distancing requirements could severely limit occupancy of temporary worker housing.
Topgrade Your People for Post-Pandemic Success
As the economy restarts, now is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your company's talent and make sure your employees are positioned for the future.
May 1
Webinar to Offer Tips on How to Do Business Amidst Challenges
The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture is hosting a webinar that will connect greenhouse growers to a wide range of resources for managing their business during COVID-19.
April 29
How Plant Lovers Can Feel Isolated But Not Alone
Allan Armitage offers his take on why despite garden centers being closed or limited in many states, people are still clamoring to be outside and in the garden.
April 27
Why a Cash Flow Plan is Vital to Your Business Today
During a time like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical for greenhouse owners to invest time and resources toward developing a basic but often overlooked management tool: a 13-week cash flow forecast model. Here are a few components of how this works, and how it can help you make informed, date-driven decisions.
2020 Perennial Plant Symposium Cancelled
The Perennial Plant Association is hoping to reschedule the event, which was set to take place in in August, for summer 2021.
April 26
Growers Unite to Promote Benefits of Plants While Sheltering in Place
A coalition of greenhouse growers and interior plantscapers has launched a new initiative designed to help advance Centers for Disease Control messaging for shelter-in-place and social distancing guidelines, while fostering a love for plants.
USDA Moves at Lightning Speed to Coordinate Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
USDA is making good on its promise to move at lightning speed to implement the new Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Details are coming in fast and furious, and deadlines are tight.
April 25
How the Industry Can Make the Most of Mother's Day This Year
During the Produce Marketing Association's weekly Virtual Town Hall discussion this week, floral industry leaders from the supermarket retail world had a lot to say about how they're prepping for Mother's Day.
A Quick Guide for Finding Out Which Green Industry Businesses Are Open
A group of horticulture organizations has launched a web portal that shows the current open/closed/restricted status of growers, greenhouse operations, and retailers across the country.
April 23
Get the Facts on the $19 Billion Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
USDA's relief package aims to maintain strong supply chain in time of crisis. Here's how.
Act Now to Apply for Payment Protection Program Funds
Replenishment of the dollars available for the program is expected this week, but even that $300 billion-plus boost could get snapped up quickly.
April 20
It's Time to Share Your COVID-19 Management Plan
It's going to take creativity and innovation from across the greenhouse industry to come out of the coronavirus pandemic with a viable future. We want to hear what you're doing to make this happen.
April 19
Tips to Safeguard Your Greenhouse Against Coronavirus
A warehouse logistics company offers tips that can also benefit greenhouse growers, such as controlling access areas and planning for staffing issues.
Hiring H-2A Workers During COVID-19 Just Got Easier
This week, the Department of Homeland Security, with the support of the USDA, announced a temporary final rule to change certain H-2A requirements to help U.S. agricultural employers avoid disruptions in lawful agricultural-related employment, protect the nation's food supply chain, and lessen impacts from the coronavirus public health emergency. These temporary flexibilities will not weaken or eliminate protections for U.S. workers.
April 17
Floral Departments Planning for Mother's Day Uncertainty
Based on conversation during the Produce Marketing Association virtual town halls, floral managers in grocery stores predict staffing challenges and shifts in customer buying habits.
April 15
AmericanHort Leads Groups Making Case to Protect Horticulture From COVID-19 Fallout
Led by AmericanHort, more than 100 organizations sign onto letter urging USDA to support growers devastated by the pandemic. Learn what the letter says.
April 13
Two Industry Leaders Weigh in on Impact of COVID-19
In a new video, the leaders of AmericanHort and United Fresh Produce Association discuss how their organizations are helping their respective sectors navigate the pandemic.
April 12
European Flower Growers Face Financial Crossroads
Without support, one organization says a significant number of European flower growers and other horticulture businesses are likely to go under in 2020.
What to Know When You're Applying for CARES Funding
Since the CARES Act was signed into law late last month, there has been some clarification from the Small Business Administration in how businesses are covered, how loans are paid out, and more. A webinar last week from AmericanHort addressed some of those updates.
How Research, Extension, and Education Programs Are Adapting to COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has had a profound effect on research, Extension, and education programs at land grant institutions, from sudden abandonment of research projects to a shift to online learning.
April 11
Michigan State Webinar Tackles Tips for Holding Plants
April 10
Key Resources for Cannabis Growers
The National Cannabis Industry Association has established a coronavirus Response and Resources website with information on what the organization is doing to assist its members.
Hemp Update: New Seed Buyback Programs
A lot of interesting news in hemp has bubbled up recently; here's a couple developments in hemp that you should keep an eye on.
April 9
United Fresh Start Foundation Helps Growers and Needy Families
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Fresh Start Foundation is offering a new grant program — COVID-19 Rapid Response FRESH Grants — to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables for children and families in need. The program also is designed to create opportunities for foodservice distributors who face the loss of markets due to the restaurant and hospitality industry shutdown.
April 7
Update on Events
Indoor Ag-Con and the International Floriculture Forum are just some of the meetings that have been rescheduled.
April 6
How One Grower is Delivering a Message of Supports to its Community During COVID-19
Milgro Nursery in Newcastle, UT, may be facing severe business challenges, but that hasn't stopped it from lending its community a show of support.
April 5
How the Trucking and Shipping Industry is Working to Protect Driver Safety
On March 23, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) and Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) sent a letter to their members outlining the steps the commercial vehicle enforcement community and the trucking industry are taking to ensure that drivers are able to safely and efficiently deliver essential goods during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Communication Strategies for Dealing With a Crisis
It's important to be prepared with an effective, thorough strategy for communicating with your customers.
April 2
Insights From PMA, and a New Event Presentation From United Fresh
The Produce Marketing Association is hosting Virtual Town Halls to help its members deal with COVID-19, while United Fresh Produce Association has moved its annual convention online.
April 1
What Horticulture Businesses Need to Know About the CARES Act
The recent $2 trillion coronavirus economic relief package includes several loan programs that can be beneficial to the horticulture industry, according to experts affiliated with AmericanHort.
Why Cannabis Growers May Want to Press Pause on Expansion
The coronavirus situation is extremely fluid and fast moving, but one cannabis industry executive has some thoughts on how cannabusiness operators and growers should be reacting to the crisis.
March 31
Tips on Holding Plants in the Greenhouse
When crops need to be held due to shipping delays, Michigan State University Extension suggests two fundamental things commercial greenhouse growers can do to slow down growth and maintain crop quality: lowering the temperature, and applying plant growth regulators.
Greenhouse Industry Suppliers Are Stepping Up During COVID-19 in Multiple Ways
During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, manufacturers and product suppliers from across several industries have responded in many positive ways, whether it's shifting their normal production to critical medical supplies, donating financially, or simply giving something away. The controlled-environment industry is no exception. Here's a closer look at what some suppliers in the industry are doing.
March 29
How Grower-Retailers Have Responded to COVID-19
Despite the trickle-down effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, grower-retailers who are still open need to be able to educate their customers about gardening tips and how to properly take care of a plant once they've brought it home.
March 28
MPS Offering Remote Audits of Growing Operations
MPS, which manages sustainability for the horticulture industry, is offering the option to have audits performed remotely. These remote audits consist of a check of the relevant documents in combination with remote interviews, and possibly a digital tour of the operation.
Grower Groups Call on USDA to Purchase Perishable Produce
More than 40 national and regional grower associations signed onto a letter sent to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue calling for the agency to begin buying perishable foods sitting stagnant in the supply chain because of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Crisis Management Tips From the Garden Media Group
The Garden Media Group has compiled a list of things you should be checking on, or be sure your marketing and social media team is checking on for you.
March 27
CAST Goes Virtual
Plant breeders who were set to feature new varieties on display at California Spring Trials have made changes. Here are the latest updates.
Cannabis: Uncertainty, and Perhaps Legalization?
Greenhouse Grower's Matthew Grassi looks at the possibility of COVID-19 leading to hastened legalization of cannabis, and how the industry as a whole is being affected.
March 26
AmericanHort Webinar Outlines How Families First Coronavirus Response Act Will Affect You
On Wednesday, March 25, AmericanHort hosted a webinar featuring advice and updates from its partner organizations CJ Lake and K-Coe Isom. The bulk of the webinar focused on what employers need to know about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and when an employee is unable to come into work.
What to Do If an Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19
The United Fresh Produce Association continues to update the industry, which includes greenhouse vegetable growers, on how to keep their businesses moving forward during the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, Jennifer McEntire, Vice President of Food Safety and Technology at United Fresh, joined with several colleagues in the food industry to develop a guide for food chain employers on what to do when an employee or contract worker tests positive for COVID-19.
11 Cool Things Companies Are Doing to Promote Plants During the COVID-19 Pandemic
There's lots of social media talk about the benefits of plants, flowers, and gardening during times of isolation and uncertainty, and it's great to see people starting to realize the power of plants to help with wellbeing. Check out 11 ways green industry companies and folks are promoting plants and spreading positive vibes during a time of crisis.
March 25
MSU Weighs in on COVID-19 & Food Safety with Handy FAQ
Michigan State University's Phillip Tocco, Benjamin Phillips, and Marissa Schuh published this handy FAQ around COVID-19 and food safety in fruits and vegetables. Good news, according to the researchers, who share that "as of March 19 there has been no known transmission of the novel coronavirus through fresh produce."
March 24
Highlights/Preview of AmericanHort Webinars
AmericanHort hosted a webinar on March 23 that outlined how businesses can navigate COVID-19. Its next webinar is slated for March 25, covering tax and labor concerns.
Why Gardening Needs to be Part of the Solution
Greenhouse Grower Contributing Editor Allan Armitage weighs in on the harsh truth facing the horticulture industry, while offering a glimmer of hope.
March 22
AmericanHort Creates Coronavirus Resource Center, Hosting Webinar on Monday
AmericanHort has set up a Coronavirus Resource Center on its website, where it will provide members with late-breaking news updates, links to expert information and resources, and tips and tools to help businesses navigate the days ahead.
March 21
USDA and Department of Labor Announce Information Sharing to Assist H-2A Employers
United Fresh applauded the USDA and the Department of Labor for responding to urgent requests to provide flexibility for U.S. farmers utilizing the H-2A program. United Fresh and industry stakeholders have been pressing the Trump administration throughout this crisis to address this issue and ensure that workers are available for produce companies who need H-2A and H-2B workers.
Flower Growers Overseas Are Also Dealing With Coronavirus
Controlled-environment growers in the U.S. are taking every step they can to keep the ornamentals supply chain moving in the wake of the coronavirus. But how are growers around the world dealing with it?
March 20
GreenTech Amsterdam, NGMA Spring Meeting Postponed
The global ramifications of the coronavirus have caused two more greenhouse technology events to postpone their gatherings. GreenTech Amsterdam, originally scheduled for June 8-10, 2020, has been moved to Oct. 20-22. Also, the National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association (NGMA) Board of Directors has decided to postpone its Spring Meeting that was to be held in Atlantic Beach, FL, April 5-7, 2020. At this time, the new date is tentatively set for Oct. 18-21, 2020.
United Fresh Offers Resources for Produce Growers
With the rapid changes occurring throughout the fresh produce industry related to coronavirus, including greenhouse vegetables, the United Fresh Production Association (United Fresh) is providing regular updates to the industry as the situation warrants.
March 19
The Latest on California Spring Trials
The 2020 California Spring Trials (CAST) may be cancelled as an in-person event thanks to coronavirus, but several leading plant breeders are turning CAST into a virtual experience for growers, brokers, and other horticulture industry members. Here's what Ball Horticultural and Syngenta Flowers have planned.
United Fresh Offers Resources for Produce Growers
With the rapid changes occurring throughout the fresh produce industry related to coronavirus, including greenhouse vegetables, the United Fresh Production Association (United Fresh) is providing regular updates to the industry as the situation warrants.
March 18
Your State Representatives Need to Hear From You
See the latest update about a potential problem with H-2 worker availability and what the industry's message to the United States Secretary of Agriculture and other state representatives needs to be in regard to recent developments with the temporary hold on visa processing announced by the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico.
March 17
Labor Developments
On March 18, the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico will halt routine immigration and non-immigration visa services until further notice. The move could disrupt the H-2 worker program, causing problems for growers during the critical spring season. The Consulate General in Monterrey announced its intention to continue H-2 processing, albeit with additional safeguards and only for returning H-2 workers, which it defines as applicants whose H-2A and H-2B visas have expired in the last 12 months and are now applying for the same visa classification.
In an open letter from AmericanHort, CEO and President Ken Fisher assured members that AmericanHort has been in touch with USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue to ask that the green industry be kept in mind as essential agriculture as any new legislation is brought forward.
"We are monitoring relief legislation taking shape in Congress and weighing in on points of concern for our industry," Fisher stated in the letter. "We are monitoring developments with respect to business 'safety net' programs administered by agencies like the Small Business Administration and the Department of Agriculture."
Cultivate'20 Status
Fisher also updated the industry on the status of Cultivate'20, planned for July 11-14, saying "There is no indication that Cultivate'20 will be impacted at this time. Our staff continues to work hard preparing to deliver the high caliber event that everyone expects and enjoys at Cultivate."
Ball Horticultural Company Last Breeder to Cancel for California Spring Trials
Ball Horticulture was the last breeder to send out its official press release announcing it will pull out of California Spring Trials. In lieu of the usual on-site visit, Ball says people can explore the latest information Spring Trials information through its CAST Mobile App. A new update has just been launched in app stores that shares all new plants for 2020 that would have been on display at California Spring Trials. In addition to the app, virtual conference opportunities are in the works as well to share new variety info. You can download the app here or search "Ball Horticultural" in the App Store (iOS devices) or on Google Play (Android).
Breeder Reactions to Cancellation of California Spring Trials
Breeders talk about the impact of cancelling their CAST plans and what they feel is the biggest loss in not seeing their customers in-person.
Syngenta Flowers Invites All to Attend webCAST 2020
Syngenta Flowers invited all who are interested in learning about its newest genetic innovations, technical trialing results, and marketing programs to join a live-streamed event via Facebook and Syngenta's website. The event is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PST, Monday March 30, Tuesday March 31, and Wednesday April 1. Each day will provide a new lineup of topics, from new Varieties to Syngenta's power brands, to side-by-side comparisons of essential crops. You can register for the event here and receive updates on webCAST 2020.
March 13
California Spring Trials
All breeders and host sites have cancelled their attendance at California Spring Trials (CAST) this year. The first announcements were made by Sakata Seed America and Syngenta Flowers, and soon after came a flurry of others. Ball Horticultural was the last company to pull out of the event.
Other Industry Events
GreenTech Americas, which had been scheduled to take place in Mexico March 24-26, has moved to Aug. 25-27 due to the global spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile for hemp growers, the NoCo Hemp Expo, originally scheduled for late March in Denver, Co, has been rescheduled for Aug. 6-8.
In other industry event news:
- The Light and Building Conference, which draws in international lighting manufacturers including those who make products for greenhouses, was postponed from its original start date of March 8 to a to-be-determined time frame in mid to late September
- The National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association Spring Meeting is, for now, still scheduled to take place April 5-7 in Atlantic Beach, FL. Association leadership and staff are closely following developments and staying in contact with the host hotel and other organizations involved in the meeting to reduce any possible risk.
- LightFair 2020, originally scheduled for May 3-7 in Las Vegas, has been postponed. New dates for the show are under consideration and will be announced once finalized.
Across the Industry
As you can imagine, organizations throughout the horticulture industry are being diligent in providing their members with updates. We talked with the AmericanHort team, and they are monitoring the latest updates from both a health and a policy perspective. In other news:
- The Society of American Florists has posted an update that details how floral industry professionals are closely monitoring the situation in their local communities and at the wider national and global scale.
- The team at, a Meister Media Worldwide (publisher of Greenhouse Grower) website, is tracking how coronavirus is affecting the specialty crops industry that includes outdoor fruit, nut, vegetable, and citrus operations. Here's what they are seeing.
- The United Fresh Production Association is staying on top of coronavirus as well. United Fresh has set up a Resources page on its website with links to Centers for Disease Control updates and tips, along with recommendations for how businesses can prepare. United Fresh has also issued a joint statement from United Fresh, PMA, and FMI: "There are no clinically confirmed cases of COVID-19 linked to the consumption of fresh produce or food sold through traditional retail outlets. As consumers select their produce, adhering to food safety guidance is critical. We encourage consumers to wash their hands, and wash and prepare their produce following FDA recommendations."
Source: Greenhouse Grower
Photo courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Source: Greenhouse Grower
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