Nourse Farms: Innovating with smart practices to minimize Risks

Nourse Farms: Innovating with smart practices to minimize Risks
Source: Indoor Ag-Con

“Let’s be honest: agriculture isn’t the industry for someone who likes a sure thing,” said John Place, Nourse Farms CEO. “There are many factors beyond the growers’ control that influence outcomes, such as extreme weather and disease pressure—2024 made that abundantly clear. But by staying ahead with proactive risk management, we can help the industry succeed.”

One of the biggest topics in the strawberry industry right now is the outbreak of Neopestalotiopsis (Neo-P), a fungal pathogen that has gained attention due to its rapid spread in certain regions, which has the industry on high alert. Neo-P has impacted thousands of growers across North America, causing shipments to be canceled and many growers to abandon strawberry-growing plans this season. As a leading North American berry plant propagator, Nourse Farms isn’t letting Neo-P stand in the way of providing high-quality plants to its customers.

Nourse Farms is focused on investing in innovative propagation techniques that mitigate disease risks while enhancing overall plant quality. Place recognizes the importance of providing customers with plants that are not only healthy but also free from the risks associated with diseases like Neo-P.

Pictured are strawberry plants growing in Nourse Farms’ North Carolina greenhouse location.

“It starts with our virus-indexed tissue culture mother plants, which has been a hallmark of our organization for decades,” said Place. “By propagating mother plants from tissue culture and growing our tray plants in a controlled environment, we are providing the best possible plants to our customers. We believe the strawberry plants should be grown in a controlled environment. By growing our tips in a high-tech glasshouse, we keep the mother plants clean—thus keeping the runner tips clean.”

Nourse Farms prides itself in its stringent quality control processes, which are designed to ensure the plants are in the best position to meet the highest standards of cleanliness and health. Nourse Farms’ unique process allows the organization to maintain control over every stage of plant production. This holistic approach enables Nourse Farms to respond swiftly to industry challenges, innovate continuously, and deliver exceptional plants that meet the ever-evolving needs of growers.

Nourse Farms strawberry plug plant showing off strong roots.

“With unpredictable weather patterns and emerging disease pressures, controlling our propagation process is essential,” said Place. “While there’s no single solution to eliminate all of the risks that we face as an industry, our integrated approach means we’re not just reacting to challenges; we’re leading the way in overcoming them, ensuring that our customers receive the highest-quality plants that are ready to get to work in their fields.”

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