Ever hopeful! 1.2M expansion cannabis business
Added on 19 April 2020

Mystique Way LLC's application is pending with the Planning Board, which meets next month.
Most of the buildings would be greenhouses and bring the total development up to 154,640-square feet. The park would employ about 40 people in total.
Sean O'Brien, one of four partners behind Mystique Way LLC, declined to comment on the project Tuesday.
In an interview last month, he said via email that they hoped the new retail shop, Mystique of Maine, would open in April, first selling medical marijuana and eventually transitioning to adult use, and noted:
"We are in discussion with several adult-use applicants and caregivers to build cannabis-related buildings for cultivation and manufacturing on Mystique Way in our 32-acre Mystique Way Cannabis Park. All of them would like to be operational in 2020, and Auburn is one of the few towns where that is possible."
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Construction would start in May and take a year.
Mystique Way LLC currently operates one greenhouse and is building the retail shop on Mystique Way, which is a former undeveloped industrial park.
Developer Cliff Miller has three additional greenhouses on the site, two open and one under construction, working with other business partners. Miller said on Tuesday that he's not involved with the new buildings.
Source: Sun Journal
Photo Courtesy of Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal
Source: Sun Journal
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