A seedbed improves the quality of life of its plants and workers

A seedbed improves the quality of life of its plants and workers
Los Crespos Sedbed

The new facility has an arch of 14.40 meters to maximize the use of space and spread as many seed trays as possible. In 12,000 meters, up to 5 million seedlings can be spread.

The expansion of the Novagric seedbed, with its unusual dimensions, allows them to extend almost 5 million seedlings.

Acquiring something new usually generates positive and satisfying emotions. Something new binds us to hope with the promise of new adventures and possibilities. That is precisely the feeling we saw in the workers of Semillero Los Crespos when we entered their new facilities.

The company, based in Almeria, is dedicated to the planting or sowing of any type of seed, offering growers top quality horticultural and ornamental plants. Due to the growing demand from its customers, the seedbed decided to expand another 12,000 meters and its construction required a series of requirements that would allow them to continue producing quality seedlings.

For the expansion of the seedbed, Los Crespos collaborated with the company Novagric, which has been instrumental in making this project a reality. " Novagric ensured standards of construction and arch that no one else on the market could provide” explains Santiago Olivares, Agricultural Technician at Semillero Los Crespos.


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