Florida Flower Trials move online
Added on 22 April 2020

This year, facing the many uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, FNGLA is placing the health and safety of its members as its highest priority. As a result, the May event will not take place in its traditional format. Instead, FNGLA is preparing to offer industry friends the trial results virtually from the safety of their own home or office. Working hard to build a new format, FNGLA is excited to continue its mission to share how well plants handle Florida's heat and humidity. Through a series of photos, a trial booklet, webinar and collected data, FNGLA will offer results at growers' fingertips.
This spring, breeders' new varieties have been taking root in Central Florida's gardens. Trials planted on March 25 at Harry P. Leu Gardens in Winter Park and the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County in Orlando will serve as host for the plants. FNGLA's partners at Walt Disney World will not participate this year but look forward to joining next year.
Watch the FLNGLA Flower Trials website for updates.
Source and Photo Courtesy of Greenhouse Grower
Source: Greenhouse Grower
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