Pollen-free, double-bloomed and resistant varieties at Dutch Lily Days

Pollen-free, double-bloomed and resistant varieties at Dutch Lily Days
Source: Dutch Lily Days

Are you curious about the latest trends in the land of lilies? The annual Dutch Lily Days event is ‘the place to be’. During the next one, which is planned from 3 to 6 June 2025, the focus will lie on newcomers in the assortment. Characteristics like pollen-free, resistant and double-bloomed are drawing attention. And the interest in scent-free lilies is also growing.

The Dutch Lily Days will be held for the 13th time in 2025. Breeders, growers and trading companies will discuss and explore together the opportunities and challenges of the lily sector. The 13 participating companies are looking forward to showing off their novelties to visitors. The Lily Days are a valuable addition to the digital tours that companies already organise. It is a unique opportunity to meet each other in real life and form connections, to see, feel and smell the actual product.  

Added value

Building on the developments of the past few years, attention is primarily focussing on double-bloomed lilies, as well as pot lilies and pollen-free varieties. Consumers quickly realise the added value of lilies that do not drop their troublesome pollen everywhere. Some consumers also appreciate the added value of scent-free or lightly scented varieties. While previously it was the European market that was primarily asking for them, now the demand from Asia is growing.


These 13 companies are opening their doors wide during the Dutch Lily Days 2025: P. Aker, Boots Flowerbulbs, Van den Bos Flowerbulbs, Bot Flowerbulbs, De Jong Lelies Holland, Lily Company, Onings Holland Flowerbulbs, C. Steenvoorden, Gebr. Vletter & Den Haan, VWS Flowerbulbs, Jan de Wit en Zonen, Zabo Plant and Royal Van Zanten Flowerbulbs.

