Greenhouse leafy greens grower invests in AI tech
Added on 06 January 2022
Already operating efficient, automated greenhouse systems, Pure Green Farms is now incorporating artificial intelligence and computer vision technology to automate operations and steer better crop performance at scale. The company is using the LUNA Platform from iUNU, which includes a component known as Time Travel that helps improve crop health.
In one instance, growers in South Bend collaborated with iUNU remotely through LUNA to identify issues in the facility and take immediate action based on actionable data and in-field observations. LUNA helps growers scout remotely, and Time Travel allows growers and crop consultants to go back in time to see every plant at any point in time. This is designed to make sure there is no ambiguity as to when issues arise and what happened in the past to correctly root cause.
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Photo created by freepic.diller -
Source: Greenhouse Grower
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