Greenhouse tech to help you farm stress-free
Added on 18 May 2020

However, greenhouse requires continuous manual monitoring to water the crops and check the temperature conditions.
But, guess what? There is a solution to avoid all the hassle. Farmers can now monitor the greenhouse any time from any part of the world with the use of technology.
During an interview with Seeds of Gold, Muhammad Adam said, "As IT graduates, we wanted to find ideas to apply technology in agriculture and after doing intensive research about greenhouse, we found that most farmers are using greenhouses with poor humidity / temperature and irrigation controls."
As a part of Graduate student's project, Muhammad Adam and Derrick Mugerwa had to find innovative ideas to apply the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and maximise the agro-produce. This research had a direct implication on agriculture using the techniques and expert's knowledge of technology.
"As we studied, we found out that, greenhouse had films to reduce radiation of sunlight to provide good environment to the crops. However, there were no controlled environment such as aeration, humidity controls and the amount of water to irrigate each crop had to be done manually by farmers," Adam recalls.
Source: Monitor
Derrick Mugerwa (l) and Adam Mohammed in front one of their greenhouse. The two have developed a technology which helps farmers monitor their crops.
Photo by Ashita Chopra.
Source: Monitor
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