Hydroponic greenhouses scheme could create 150 jobs
Added on 08 July 2020

A low carbon agricultural company says Wrexham could be benefit from 150 new green jobs by hosting a Ł50 million pound greenhouses project.
Under the plan Brighton-based Low Carbon Farming two 7.6 hectare sized commercial greenhouses and a packing facility would be sited directly between Dwr Cymru's Five Fords Waste-Water Treatment Works and SecAnim Abattoir.
The structures, similar in design to two world first projects currently in construction in East Anglia, would capture both waste heat and carbon emissions from the Dwr Cymru facility and use them to grow significant quantities of low carbon fresh produce on site.
They are looking to grow tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers at the site although a final decision on produce has not been made.
The greenhouses' high productivity, hydroponic growing system uses ten times less water than traditional agriculture.
They are scheduled for construction as early as spring 2021 if planning is secured and a consultation has been launched.
Andy Allen, a director at Low Carbon Farming, said: "We believe we have proposed the right project for this site and it comes at the right time for Wrexham.
"With a recession looming, much emphasis has been placed on unlocking infrastructure investment that can help protect regional economies from the storms ahead.
"Moreover, the sustainable DNA of our project will ensure that the region continues to benefit long into the future.
"The Five Fords project will benefit greatly from our experience in East Anglia, where two pioneering greenhouse projects passed swiftly and efficiently through the local planning process and now continue to take shape despite the additional challenges presented by coronavirus.
"Our preparatory work in Wrexham has been extensive and we've found no red flags.
"We now very much look forward to engaging with the community so as to capture and respond to local opinion."
The pre-application consultation for the Five Fords project runs until early July and can be accessed at https://www.5-fords.com/
Source and Photo Courtesy of Opera News
Source: Opera News
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