Inspiring webinar series
Added on 29 April 2020

World Horti Center and NethWork collaborate in giving follow up to the exhibition 'Countryside - The Future' initiated by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, that was opened on February 20 in the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The exhibition among others features the current and future developments in food production, especially what is happening in greenhouses.
Webinar sessions
The exhibition is currently closed, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the production of cherry tomatoes in a closed, high tech production unit, situated in front of the museum on Fifth Avenue, continues. Right in the center of the world and the epicenter of the pandemic. The unit therefore, is a great metaphor and catalyst in the discussion on the consumption of healthy food, produced in a sustainable and affordable way. Therefore, World Horti Center (WHC) took the initiative to facilitate, in cooperation with foundation NethWork, a new series of online events.
Thought leaders
During weekly webinar sessions, thought leaders in the field of food will share his/her vision on (the future of) healthy food. The kick off takes place on Wednesday 6 May, 16.00 hrs CEST and features architect Rem Koolhaas, initiator of the exhibition 'Countryside - The Future'. He will be assisted by Clemens Driessen, philosopher at Wageningen UR. Both gentlemen will share their vision on current developments and the future of horticulture in the Netherlands and beyond.
Eat This
This webinar series, named 'Eat This' is a close collaboration between NethWork and World Horti Center. Both organizations want to connect the horticultural sector with the world beyond horticulture. Renee Snijders and Ed Smit of NethWork will present these weekly webinar sessions.
After the inaugural session with Rem Koolhaas, 9 webinars will follow. Additional details on guests and themes will follow soon. You can already register for this first session via this link.
World Horti Center
World Horti Center is the knowledge and innovation center for international greenhouse horticulture. A leading platform where business, education, research and government jointly innovate, connect, inspire and share knowledge. Every year, World Horti Center, located in the epicenter of Dutch greenhouse horticulture, is visited by 25,000 international professionals.
NethWork is a foundation that strives to create more awareness regarding the sustainable production healthy and affordable food and the important role the horticultural sector plays in this field. NethWork connects the sector with the world beyond horticulture via interactive events and activities, collectively named 'Eat This'.
Source: Goedemorgen
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