Mycorrhizal applications introduces new inoculant
Added on 20 October 2020
The MycoApply product line represents the first ectomycorrhizae-only offering for the U.S. market from the company.
MycoApply Injector Ecto contains a very high spore concentration of a diverse array of ectomycorrhizal fungi species on a soluble humic carrier, designed to benefit most conifers and hardwoods, some woody shrubs, as well as several commercial nut trees.
Mycorrhizal Applications has developed this five-species blend to benefit the maximum number of ectomycorrhizal plant species with one maximum-diversity ectomycorrhizal fungi formulation. Designed for ease and efficiency of application, MycoApply Injector Ecto is formulated for application via horticulture injection and dosing equipment, and features a very broad label, making this new product ideal for growers with diverse operations.
Mycorrhizal Applications designed the Injector line of mycorrhizal inoculant products to allow medium- to large-scale growing operations to incorporate mycorrhizae into their growing protocols efficiently and effectively, avoiding any additional labor-intensive steps in their production protocols.
MycoApply Injector Ecto is now available, and features five species of ectomycorrhizae: Pisolithus tinctorius, Laccaria laccata, Scleroderma cepa, Rhizopogon villosulus, and Suillus granulatus.
This new addition to the MycoApply lineup is a concentrated ectomycorrhizal fungi powder formulation on a soluble humic carrier, sold in 100-gram bags with a 20-gram scoop included.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi are biological, symbiotic soil fungi, which colonize plants' root systems and act as a living extension of the roots, drastically increasing the absorptive surface area and improving the plant's nutrient and water efficiency.
More information about the MycoApply Injector Ecto and its benefits:
Source: Greenhouse Product News
Photo Courtesy of Seed World
Source: Greenhouse Product News
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