New flower variety highlights
Added on 06 April 2020

Click here to check out the slide show of new flower varieties.
The virtual California Spring Trials experience featured new product presentations, video footage, and real-time Q&A opportunities. Here's the top intros and news from each company.
Find complete new variety information on the Ball Horticultural website, as well as on the CAST20 mobile app.
PanAmerican Seed
- Impatiens 'Beacon Rose'
*PanAmerican Seed will sell only seed-coated forms for the Beacon Impatiens Series. They will be available in October. - Marvel II is a new intermediate series of F1 African marigolds. Colors: Gold, Orange, Yellow, and a mix
- New Sol Collection of foliage celosia with Fleuroselect Gold medal winning variety Gekko Green and Lizzard Leaf.
- The new Kitchen Minis program includes potted vegetable plants for consumers with no space to garden. Items in this series should be considered premium items that will fetch higher prices at retail than standard 3- to 4-inch containers.
Kieft Seed
- New Aquilegia Earlybird Series includes eight colors and a mix. It will replace the Songbirds Series.
- First-year flowering perennial Lobelia 'Starship Blue'
- Echinacea Artisan Collection is the first F1 hybrid collection from seed. Red Ombre and Soft Orange colors come in a new Amplified seed form that results in faster and more uniform germination compared to non-enhanced seed.
Darwin Perennials
- Sombrero Echinacea series can be planted in the spring and sold in the same year. Series includes Fiesta Orange and Rosada.
- New, compact Echinacea Sombrero Poco Series includes Hot Coral and Yellow.
- Armeria 'Dreameria Dream Clouds' is a breeding breakthrough with plants that still flower early season like traditional armeria, but they don't go out of flower in the summer. Requires no vernalization.
- Leucanthemum 'Whitecap' is an improvement upon L. 'Snowcap'
- Achillea 'Milly Rock Yellow' - early to flower and Zone 5 hardy
- Dianthus Mountain Frost Collection includes new Ruby Glitter and Ruby Snow.
- Saliva greggii 'Mirage Blue' and 'Rose Bicolor'
- Whispurr Nepeta Series includes Blue and Pink
- Ka-Pow Phlox Series includes four colors
- Lavandula 'Primavera' is a breakthrough in Spanish lavenders. It won't melt out in dark greenhouses and doesn't require chilling to flower. It blooms into mid-summer.
Ball FloraPlant
- Cha-Cha Calibrachoa Series is new with five colors, including novelty colors Diva Hot Pink and Diva Apricot.
- 'Bumble Bee Orange' is a new addition to the Bumble Bee Collection. It's the only orange star on the market. Ball FloraPlant will drop the Can-Can series. The Bumble Bee and Terra Cotta Series will remain.
- Petunia 'Bee's Knee's' is a new stand-alone product with a saturated yellow color.
- Bidens 'Sun Drop' has double flowers. It is a gamechanger with its flower size.
- Five new MixMasters: Cabaret Good Night Kiss, Biden My Time, Gold Plated, Pico de Gallo, and Hot Rod
Selecta One
- Two new colors in the Headliner Petunia Series: Crystal Sky and Electric Purple Sky
- 'Main Stage Glacier Sky' is part of a new series outside of Headliner
- Four new colors in Gisele Phlox - Red, Scarlet, Purple, and Light Pink + Eye (replaces pink)
- New Fireball (first anemone flower form) and Raspberry Dalaya Dahlias
- Trixi Combinations: Chemical Attraction (includes new Petunia 'Headliner Electric Purple Sky'), Sky's the Limit (includes P. 'Headliner Night Sky'), and Lip Sync
- Two new FanTastic Trixis: Two to Tango and Double Take
Ball Ingenuity
- Camellia sinensis 'Brew-Tea-Ful' - full sun camellia, can make five different teas from one plant
- Morel Cyclamen Metalis Series: Six colors with silver foliage. Order in April for the Christmas season.
- Philodendron 'Shangri-La' is a new form of the popular split-leaf philodendron.
- Burpee is refreshing its tag colors and offering new point-of-purchase materials.
- New brand messaging: Choose. Grow. Enjoy.
- Tags will now be color coded for easier merchandising.
- Burpee is changing tag vendors to Westrock.
- Burpee has updated its top ten brand favorites.
- New 'Sweet Slaw' Cabbage has a unique cone shape and doesn't bulk fast for a longer harvest window.
- 'Sweet Thang' Cabbage is a new non-heading variety with a sweet taste.
- 'Armageddon' F1 Pepper is a new hot type pepper with 1.3 million Scovilles.
- New 'Sweet Poppers' Jalapeno Pepper gives flavor without the heat.
- 'Tasti-Wee' Tomato is a compact indeterminate variety that is crack resistant.
Easy Wave
- New Easy Wave Petunias - Rose Fusion and Shock Wave Purple Tie Dye
Source and Photo Courtesy of Greenhouse Grower
Source: Greenhouse Grower
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