New York eases limits on horti businesses

New York eases limits on horti businesses

US- The state decision makes official what seems widely in practice already.

These businesses are considered low-risk to spread the coronavirus, the state said. Businesses still must create a plan to reopen safely using guidance from the Non-Food Related Agriculture Summary Guidelines to protect public health.

The decision revokes earlier guidance from April 2, stating horticulture is non-essential and only the sales of food-producing plants and essential maintenance would be allowed.

The state expanded the allowable activities for landscapers to include the care and planting of grasses, sod, plants, shrubs and trees and the mulching, trimming and removal of these items. Horticulture — which includes greenhouse operations, nurseries, sod farms and arborists — is also allowed.

Landscaping and agriculture businesses were allowed to stay open under Gov. Andrew Cuomo's initial order in March, but were told the opposite two weeks later. There was a gray area with the need for food production and landscaping maintenance, including pest control. However, the state advised against new projects and planting.

Source and Photo Courtesy of Syracuse

Source: Syracuse
