Nominations for Show Your Colours Award IPM
Added on 12 January 2020

The Show Your Colours Award IPM was introduced to encourage participants in the trade fair to put their products with added value under the spotlight. The nominated plants distinguish themselves from other products in terms of (leaf) colour, shape, name, the fruit they bear, tolerance to drought and heat, and sustainability.
Nominations for Show Your Colours Award IPM 2020
The following ten plants/plant concepts have been nominated for the Show Your Colours Award IPM 2020, in alphabetical order:
Adenium obesum "Fairy Tree Concept" - Plantal Producciones S.L. (ES)
Buddleja davidii BERRIES and CREAM ('Pmoore14') - Joh. Stolwijk & Zonen Boomkwekerijen B.V. (NL)
Camellia japonica 'Festival' - Van Son & Koot (NL)
Concept Urban Garden Roses - Gebr. Seuren Rozenkwekerijen BV (NL)
Fargesia MOONTEARS ('JAN W3M') - Helmers Baumschulen GmbH (DE)
Hydrangea macrophylla ENDLESS SUMMER SUMMER LOVE ('Bailmacfive') - Bailey Nurseries International (VS)
Hydrangea paniculata SWITCH OPHELIA ('Breg14') - Diderk Heinje Baumschulen GmbH & Co. KG (DE)
Rhododendron HAPPYDENDRON PUSHY PURPLE ('Hachmagic') - Inkarho GmbH (DE)
Skimmia japonica 'Perosa' - Van Vliet New Plants BV (NL)
Taxus media RISING STAR ('Oene') - De Buurte Kwekerijen (NL)
The plants nominated will be presented in the BIZZ Holland stand, hall 8, stand number 8A40. On Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29 and Thursday morning 30 January, all visitors will be able to vote for their favourite plant using coins. On Thursday afternoon, the plants and their stories will be judged by a professional jury consisting of Linda Hoogendoorn - Veelenturf, director of Stichting Beurshal, Sytse Berends Blunt Communicatieadvies, Oliver Mathys 'I green you', Andreas Henk trade journalist Gabot - Das Gartenbau Portal and Oliver P. Kuhrt Messe Essen. The verdict of the jury together with the visitors' votes will ultimately produce a winner.
The Show Your Colours Award IPM 2020 is a collaboration between trade fair organisation IPM and BIZZ Communications.
Source: Goedemorgen
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