PODCAST | Is Ag Tech your jam?
Added on 12 August 2020

For podcast fans, the "PMA Takes On Tech" podcast provides a look at how technology and innovation are supporting the fresh produce and floral industries.
Hosted by Vonnie Estes, Cice President of Technology at the Produce Marketing Association (PMA), the podcast series examines how technology supports the professionals and businesses in the fresh produce chain that are shaping the future of the produce industry.
Image Courtesy of Greenhouse Grower
Recent episodes include:
- Can Technology Solve the Produce Labor Shortage? An exploration of the labor shortage in produce production with guests Dr. Phil Martin, John Purcell and James Terry. Dr. Martin discusses labor issues in produce production, while John Purcell explores breeding solutions and James Terry talks about integrated hardware and software in-field solutions.
- Solving for the Sixth Food System: The history of the world's food systems has had major shifts, from hunting, gathering, fishing, and foraging through the current industrial food system. The fifth and current food system has exhausted its growth trajectory and the world is, once again, staged for a major transformation in the way that food is grown, distributed, and produced. There is a movement away from an industrialized, monoculture system built to provide calories and yield to one based on healthy people and sustainable, equitable ecosystems.
Podcast listeners can download and subscribe through several formats. Click here for more information.
Source: Greenhouse Grower
Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash
Source: Greenhouse Grower
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