Preparations for ECOtechGREEN active 2020
Added on 05 August 2020

And ECOtechGREEN, the first international forum dedicated to Green Technology not only for walls, and roofs but also for green infrastructures, will be a major feature of this event. Organised by Paysage with the international TOPSCAPE magazine and implemented by Fiera di Padova in collaboration with the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators, the Forum's 12th edition will have a new "Active" format = + smart + interactive + connected + expo format, with new contents and ways of participating.
It was precisely to smooth preparations for the event that a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committee took place on 8 July, attended by over 35 representatives from institutions, professional associations, industrial associations and universities, and where full agreement on the upcoming edition's proposals and novelties was reached. Moreover, in this venue collaboration with the National Construction Association was reconfirmed - through its regional expression Ance Veneto - which will organise a round table aimed at intensifying the dialogue between house builders and the sector.
Among the needs identified there emerged the necessity to monitor the landscaping and green works sector so as to obtain the most detailed overview possible of its activities.
This task will be made possible thanks to such important initiatives as the FlorMart Green City Report, the greencityobservatory, instituted by the Padua Fair - FLORMART, concerning uses, ideas and trends communicated by sector operators, and the European data monitor, the Green Market Network, devised by the EFB - the European Federation Green Roofs & Walls, whose Italian equivalent will be arranged by AIVEP - Associazione Italiana Verde Pensile (the Italian Green Roof Association)
Furthermore, in order to incorporate the best contributions and best practices along with national and international design excellence ECOtechGREEN has issued a Call for Papers and Projects that will remain open until 25 September 2020.
The call is directed at all professionals in the landscape architecture sector, at public administrations as well as at associations, institutions, universities, research centres and companies. The themes central to such contributions will cover a wide range of green technology's applications that represent an element of sustainability and modality in urban redevelopment, infrastructural mitigation, the field of visual identity and research and experimentation.
For more information and on how to participate in the call for papers and projects click here.
Source and Photo Courtesy of Flormart
Source: Flormart
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