Preparing for spring ornamental production
Added on 27 November 2021
1. Make sure your inputs are ordered
We can't emphasize this one enough. COVID-19 and container boat issues are still causing shipping delays that are affecting many industries including greenhouses. Make sure you order potting mixes, plastic trays and pots, fertilizers, and production inputs well ahead of when you will need them. If you are planning on doing greenhouse upgrades in between seasons make sure you confirm delivery and installation timelines with your contractors. Many of them are facing delays too!
2. Now is the time for preventative maintenance
Now is a great time to schedule preventive maintenance for your boiler, irrigation and shading systems. Make sure that all motors and alarms are working before you need to rely on them. No one wants to find out that their temperature alarm failed on a cold February morning! Ensure you are getting the pressure you expect all along your irrigation system. If you rely on propane heaters for early spring production make sure they are venting properly. Damage from improper venting can present as stunted growth or leaf burn.
Take some time to inspect the greenhouse for wear-and-tear. Repair cracked poly and broken glass to keep heat from escaping. Make sure old torn energy curtains are replaced. A heat sensitive camera can help to identify areas of energy loss and help you plan for energy efficient upgrades in the future.
3. Start with sanitation
Several key spring crops, like Calibrachoa, Pansy and Petunia are highly susceptible to black root rot (Thelaiviopsis), and we've seen more Fusarium pop up in the last few years on crops like salvia, gerbera, echinacea and lavender. These pathogens are everywhere in the environment and can easily be brought in by insects like fungus gnats and shoreflies, on worker's boots or via equipment. Further, their spores can hide in nooks and crannies of benches while less-susceptible crops are growing, then pounce when conditions are right.
Once black root rot or Fusarium get hold, it can be almost impossible to control them with fungicides (AND we only have 2 registered for them!). When it comes to these diseases, a good clean out of your spring crop propagation and growing areas is as close to a "silver bullet" solution as we are going to get. This includes:
ˇ Scrub down your benches. This removes all the soil particles etc., where fungal spores might be hiding. It also allows sanitizers to work better, since they can get trapped by organic matter. Use a hose, scrub brush and a product like Strip-It to make sure everything is as clean as possible.
ˇ Sanitize benches AND drip lines, where organic mater, biofilm and disease spores can accumulate. Use peroxide (Virkon) or quaternary ammonium (KleenGro) products at the recommended rates for the material you're sanitizing. If cleaning drip lines, make sure to always thoroughly flush your watering system several times before plants go in to prevent any potential phytotoxicity.
ˇ Use new plug trays. This may be more costly, but it's something you'll wish you did if you develop a problem. Pot/tray cleaners aren't perfect, and trays can act as a ready source of innoculum for resting spores. If you are cleaning your trays, use the same process as for benches; first clean, then sanitize!
ˇ Control fungus gnats and shoreflies, as they can spread disease spores. Fungus gnat larvae can also chew on plant roots, making them more susceptible to disease.
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This post was jointly written by Dr. Chevonne Dayboll and Dr. Sarah Jandricic
Photo created by freepik -
Source: Onfloriculture
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