Preparing future leaders in medicinal cannabis
Added on 02 March 2020

Pro Manager Mastercourse Medicinal Cannabis takes place from 8-18 June 2020.
Pro Manager Mastercourses aim to bring two worlds together. CEO's and / or commercial directors of leading Dutch suppliers of horticultural equipment and knowledge, assisted by their experts on one hand, and leading producers of medicinal cannabis from around the globe on the other. There will be no sales pitches. Participants will get inspired every single day on the future of medicinal cannabis in general and their own business specifically.
Future leaders
If your ambition is to become that future leader in medicinal cannabis, you can apply by downloading and filling out this application form. A selection process guarantees a group of peers, representing the world of medicinal cannabis. After this unprecedented journey, participants will become part of the Pro Manager Mastercourse alumni network that also includes alumni from previous Mastercourses Vegetables and Floriculture.
Production of medicinal cannabis will be the major topic during this Mastercourse with emphasis on greenhouse construction and layout, irrigation and fertilization, (biological) crop control, substrates, and climate control (including lighting). In addition, subjects like autonomous growth, using tools such as AI, big data and deep learning will be discussed. Interactive sessions on developing international control standards and visits to labs and research institutes will top it all off. Last but not least, selected participants will visit the international fair GreenTech and the World Horti Center. Download our more detailed flyer here.
Informative webinars
If you'd like to learn more about the Pro Manager Mastercourse Medicinal Cannabis, you can join one of the informative webinars on March 11th. During these sessions more detailed information will be shared on the program, selection procedure and practical details of this course. The first session is aimed at an audience in the Americas, Europe and Africa and will take place at 13.00 CST (USA and Canada) / 20.00 CET (European time). You can log in here.
The second session targets medicinal cannabis growers from the Americas as well as Asia and Australia and will take place at 8.00 PM CST (USA and Canada) / 13.00 AEDT (Sydney / Melbourne time). Please use this link to pre-register.
Additional info
If you have any additional questions, please contact Ed Smit in Costa Rica via and +506 88418125 or Renee Snijders, +506 84483355 - Website:
Source: Goedemorgen
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