Produce packaging ripe for innovation

Produce packaging ripe for innovation

From European plastic bans to consumers pushing for what they perceive to be more sustainable packaging, produce companies are finding ways to maintain or improve shelf life while contributing to a circular economy.

Perceptions around plastic packaging in the produce industry aren't monolithic. They vary from person to person, from stakeholder to stakeholder, and frankly, they depend on whom you ask.

Meanwhile, there seems to be no master algorithm that accounts for all the supply chain and manufacturing variables (including weight, carbon footprint, food waste/shelf life/spoilage properties and even the cost of mining ore in the case of aluminium or steel) that might crown a single winner of the most sustainable material sweepstakes. It's completely application-dependent and may look different depending on a CPG's goals or values.

It's undeniable that there has been a recent push for a reduction of plastic in produce packaging, one that has been driven by laws, bans, and consumer demand.

The trend is propelling fruit and vegetable producers to investigate alternatives to their existing plastic packaging formats. In turn, this is driving a conversation asking whether plastic alternatives are actually more sustainable for fruits and vegetable packaging.

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Source: Agritech Future
