Cleaning water pipes can be done safely

Cleaning water pipes can be done safely
Photo: WUR

In irrigation systems, the presence of nutrients and temperature creates a layer of biofilm on the inside of pipes. This layer is formed by bacteria and fungi and can cause blockages in the system and the spread of diseases. Many growers use cleaning agents such as stabilised hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide to remove this biofilm from the pipes or to prevent its formation.

Growers of phalaenopsis saw that the crop started growing better again after stopping the dosage of silver-stabilised hydrogen peroxide. This effect was investigated in a practical pilot by the Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs Business Unit of Wageningen University & Research in collaboration with Glastuinbouw Nederland and a commercial company. Researcher Jim van Ruijven: “It is very surprising: growers saw an effect, but that effect was not found during this pilot.”

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