Reclaiming Roots: The young workers return to agriculture

Reclaiming Roots: The young workers return to agriculture

I’ve seen the reality of the agricultural landscape and it looks bleak.

POLITICO recently published an article on Pennsylvania’s solution for “young people” not wanting to farm. While Pennsylvania is doing an impressive job at making farming more alluring to younger workers, the fact remains that the average age of U.S. farm workers is 57.5 years old. Younger generations are gravitating towards more urban areas to pursue other career options. Millennials and Gen Z watched their parents and grandparents toil in the fields under harsh conditions and most of them responded with a big “No thanks!” The farm doesn't care if you're sick, the farm doesn't allow for you to go on vacation when you want to, the farm doesn't care if you don't want to wake up early, the farm doesn’t care that the bills are due. 

Continue reading.

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

