Water savings potential of CEA production
Added on 14 August 2023

The chief highlight of the report is that it validates the water savings potential of CEA. The report can be downloaded from RII’s resource catalog here.
“The water savings potential of CEA is real. It is clear in the data. And circularity best practices drive that outcome” says Derek Smith, Executive Director of Resource Innovation Institute. “This report provides an important view of how resources are used inside a range of controlled environments found in today’s evolving agricultural landscape. Yet it’s just a starting point. We need significantly more research at a crop and climate zone level, and related to technologies and practices, to really determine the most energy and water efficient pathways forward.
The CEA Energy & Water Benchmarking Report offers a comprehensive look at CEA benchmarking, and reveals key findings, including:
- Validates the water savings and water quality potential of CEA, where it has been shown that water circularity strategies can result in greater than 90% water savings compared to common field farming benchmarks.
- Outlines that, unlike field farms, CEA facilities include processing, packing, and storage steps, each requiring energy consumption.
Image by drobotdean on Freepik
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