Predatory stink bug vs. southern green stink bug
Added on 04 November 2022

The southern green stink bug is 11.5 to 16.5 millimeters in size and has been a pest in southern Europe for a long time, but occurs worldwide. In recent years, the insect is migrating northwards and eventually ended up in Dutch greenhouses. Damage has been reported in the cultivation of sweet peppers, cucumbers, gerbera and aubergines. Pepper growers are particularly affected by the southern green stink bug: the southern green stink bug punctures fruits and young plant parts, causing growth reduction, loss of quality and spots on the fruits. In autumn, the stink bug goes into diapause, hiding in and around the greenhouse.As soon as a new cropping cycle is started, the diapause is broken and the bug reappears.
Research Bug Control
Three years ago, WUR started to research possibilities to control the bug. During the research, the effects of pheromone traps, entomopathogenic fungi, overwintering traps and natural enemies were tested. In addition to the commercially available egg-parasitic wasp Trissolcus bassalis, the predatory stink bug Podisus muculiventris was also tested. This bug can be a good addition to the parasitic wasps, because a complete control with parasitic wasps proves difficult to achieve.
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Courtesy of Wageningen University & Research
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