Six trends that will drive consumer gardening

Six trends that will drive consumer gardening

The Garden Media Group's annual trends report is very often spot on its projections on where consumer gardening interests will lie in the coming year. However, if the coronavirus pandemic is a reflection of 2020, who knows what to expect next year?

Improv Era
From delivery to curbside pickup, the supply chain is changing, and successful business will shift their models and be open to quick change.

Despite that, Garden Media Group Owner Katie Dubow says she's confident in the group's predictions for 2021. The theme for this year's report, "The Great Reset," offers a peek into what will be trending in horticulture in 2021 and beyond.

Improv Era
According to the NGA survey, in 2019, only 14% 14% of garden shopping was done online, similar to grocery sales of the same year. If grocery curbside pickup increased 90% during quarantine, then we will have to expect garden sales did the same. People are still shopping, just differently. In fact, 1/4 of Americans spent more money while social distancing. This shopper wants convenience and speed. Their goal is to get in and out as quickly as possible.

"This year, we had to scrap many trends we had identified and examine shifts in behavior during the quarantine," Dubow says. "The we set out predicting how these shifts would shape the future of gardening. These six industry trends will push the future post-COVID-19, push business strategy pivots, and create a shift in home and work design."

To download your copy of this year's trends report, go to

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for more information.

Photo: Garden Media Group 2021 Trends Report Theme: "The Great Reset". Courtesy of Greenhouse Grower

Source: Greenhouse Grower
