EL PINAR expands its nursery area to meet greater demand

EL PINAR expands its nursery area to meet greater demand
Anxo Castro Pérez, Director de Producción

Chañe (Segovia) - In the process of plant multiplication in nurseries, EL PINAR confirms its growth strategy, with a 12% increase in nursery surface

EL PINAR, a reference nursery in the entire Mediterranean arc, is currently in the middle of the plant multiplication phase, in a campaign where they hope to increase the volume by more than 15% marketed in the previous year (more than 250 million plants).

This increase is derived from the increase also in the nursery cultivation area (+12%), in the two production areas, Spain and Romania, to which Poland has joined this campaign, which gives them, in words from Anxo Castro Pérez, Production Director of EL PINAR, “not only a greater plant volume, but also a great diversity of origins and therefore flexibility and minimization of risks when meeting customer demands.”

This increase, both in surface area and plant volume of Primavera, Victory, Inspire and Renewal, all of which come from the research programs of Plant Sciences and Berry Genetics, with which they have been working closely for more than 20 years, confirms the strategy of growth of EL PINAR in the varietal map of strawberries in Europe, taking over increasingly greater market shares, both for potted plants and bare roots. “Victory continues to be the star variety of the nursery, with more than 60% of the total planted area. We have also increased the area of Primavera and Renewal, due of a greater demand for early varieties; also, from Inspire, where the combination of bare root and potted plants becomes more important,” highlights Anxo Castro.

Almacén de manipulación de planta

Rusticity, a key value

This varietal success is derived from the high rusticity of the material that we find in its varietal program, as well as plant health. "Climate change is setting us a new road map in cultivation, both in nurseries and in fruit production areas, so today rusticity and adaptation to these changing conditions are the characteristics most valued by our clients, in addition to offer customers a clean plant from a health point of view,” argues the Production Director.

Soil disinfection and crop monitoring

In addition to the usual techniques for soil disinfection such as the use of Metam Sodium, crop rotation and fallow, EL PINAR has been developing tests with bio solarisation to achieve effective disinfection without the use of synthetic products, with the aim to adapt to European regulations.

And in a context of climate change, it is also implementing technologies to monitor the crop, in order to make it more effective and efficient, favoring water savings, in addition to correct application of inputs. "Through sensors at different heights in the soil, we can know the water status of the plant, and thus apply both irrigation and inputs where the root system is located, when it is needed and when they will be assimilated more efficiently. ", they explain, adding that this monitoring of the crop, started last year, also gives them the possibility of making decisions and reacting quickly to any adverse circumstance.

Efficient logistic managment

Aware of the importance for the client of meeting their plant demand, not only in volume but within the established deadlines, EL PINAR began a successful logistics program last season, which allowed them to supply more than 8 million plants per day. “The results were really satisfactory and we will continue to develop improvements in this regard, in addition to investments to achieve greater automation of processes and refrigeration capacity, thus shortening the time that elapses from when the plant is started, manipulated and stored in chambers. ready for the expedition,” explains Anxo Castro Pérez, Production Director of EL PINAR.


EL PINAR is a family business dedicated, for more than 40 years, to the production of plants and fruits in the berry sector, with production fields in Spain, Portugal and Romania. It has a network of distribution of plants to farmers worldwide and a supply of exceptional fruits to customers throughout Europe.

They have a wide range of varieties, short day, everbearer and June bearer, from different variety breeding programs among which those from Plant Sciences Inc. and Berry Genetics Inc. can be highlighted, of which EL PINAR has been a licensee for more than 20 years.

