Strengthening business in production of fruits and veggies
Added on 14 January 2020

According to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET), the biggest part of food production has been grown by private farms and entrepreneurship structures. In 2019, they have produced more that 26,000 tons of tomatoes, 14,500 tons of cucurbitaceous crops, more than 7,000 tons of fruits and berries and 6,400 tons of leguminous crops.
Turkmen entrepreneurs work on increment of food production volumes by developing new lands, expansion of fields for gardens and vineyards, increment of hothouse farms. It creates conditions for saturation of local market and growth of export. In particular, agricultural production worth more than 25 million US dollars has been sold to Russian Federation and other CIS countries in 2019.
Export of tomatoes has been significantly increased in 2019. Export volumes of this vegetable crop was 16,000 tons last year. Many farms are specialized in year-round indoor cultivation of tomatoes using innovative technologies of plant care.
More than 6,000 tons of fruits and cucurbitaceous crops, around 4,000 tons of leguminous crops have been produced last year. Entrepreneurs increased production of confectionary and other food products several times.
Significant part of fruits and vegetables is exported to the CIS countries; Turkmen confectionary is on big demand in Afghanistan Chinese consumers love Turkmen ice cream.
Source: Turkmenistan Golden Age
Photo: Yuri SHKURIN
Source: Turkmenistan Golden Age
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