Blomsterlandet and Optima Planta in collaboration

Blomsterlandet and Optima Planta in collaboration
Photo: Optima Planta

Blomsterlandet and Optima Planta have started a collaboration concerning the future cultivation of ornamental plants. The investment is part of increasing sustainability in the plant and horticulture industry and takes place with the help of innovative cultivation technology combined with artificial intelligence (AI).

The system was originally developed for NASA for the possibility of farming on other planets.

- At Blomsterlandet, we work continuously to identify innovative and climate-smart products and production methods. We are proud to be the first garden chain in Sweden to take part in Optima Plant's exciting and sustainable cultivation technology. Finding ways to reduce the use of water and pesticides is a question of the future and it feels extra satisfying that the technology has been developed in Sweden, says Andreas Karlsson who is purchasing manager at Blomsterlandet.

Optima Planta supplies proprietary technology for cultivation that are combined with software and AI. In these boxes, the most optimal growing environment is created for each given plant. With aeroponic technology in a closed system, the plant roots hang freely in the air. So no soil is needed. Nutrients and water are sprayed onto the plants, which radically reduces the amount of water, nutrients and other resources compared to conventional cultivation and also with hydroponic (water-based) systems.

Optima Planta is a spin-off from plant physiology at the Swedish University of Agriculture, SLU, and optimization theory from Uppsala University.

- Entering into an agreement with Blomsterlandet is an important step in our journey to be the most effective partner for companies that want to reduce their climate footprint and get bigger and more predictable harvests. We share the vision that the cultivation of the future should be as sustainable as possible, which makes the collaboration feel both natural and fantastic, says Lennart Sör, Optima Planta's founder and CEO.

The first batch of ornamental plants grown with the new method is expected to be available in Blomsterlandet's stores in Stockholm and Uppsala in January 2024. The first to appear are coleus and scented geraniums.

For more information, please contact:

Andreas Karlsson, Purchasing Manager Blomsterlandet,
Lennart Sör, CEO Optima Planta,
Robin Johansson, COO Optima Planta,

