AI to boost power efficiency in indoor farming

AI to boost power efficiency in indoor farming

A project in the UK is looking to improve the energy efficiency of indoor farming using spectral imaging and AI.

The Advanced Crop Dynamic Control (ACDC) project in the UK aims to develop highly energy-efficient and sustainable indoor farming systems through image-based analysis, AI and control software.

The project is led by LettUs Grow in Bristol in collaboration with Fotenix, Rothamsted Research, CHAP, and Vertically Urban with £757,151 in funding from the UK’s Novel Low Emission Food Production Systems competition. 

This is part of developing what is now being called the Total Controlled Environment Agriculture (TCEA), where vertical farming with LED lighting in containers is a key technology.

The project will use an integrated spectral imaging system coupled with an AI-based plant screening technology, designed by Fotenix, to measure crop physiological status.

“Farms use our cameras to detect pest and disease, so why not use this to follow recipe evolution across economy or premium recipes? This project will fast-track collaboration between key suppliers into an industry-ready package at such a pivotal time for energy and food security,” said Fotenix CEO, Charles Veys.

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