Improved pot plant cultivation via digital monitoring

Improved pot plant cultivation via digital monitoring

A measuring system for the humidity in potted plants ensures a more optimal water supply. Moreover, a grower saves time because the humidity in the pot can be digitally monitored remotely. These are the main results of the 'Nursery Stock Growing Support System' research project led by the research station in Straelen, Germany. The Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs Business Unit of Wageningen University & Research is involved in the research as an advisor, due to its knowledge and experience with sensors. Due to the positive results, the project has been extended by one year.

In North Rhine-Westphalia there are many growers who grow potted plants as an outdoor crop. They determine, among other things, on the basis of experience when the plants need water. This can sometimes lead to excessive watering. The grower then spends more money on irrigation (which takes place with fixed sprinklers or watering booms) for water, energy and labour. Moreover, valuable fertilizers can leach to the soil. Watering that is too low is also possible: this leads to quality problems and less production.

That is why a study was started into a soil moisture sensor system that supports a grower in business operations. By sending measurement data at short intervals, the user gets a real-time overview of his crop. For this purpose, sensors from the Dutch company Quantified were used in the study. Three sensors were placed per tap section, which, to keep costs low, all work via one and the same transmitter. The sensors measure, among other things, the humidity, the EC content and the temperature in the pot. The grower can view that information online.

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Photo: WUR



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