Blue Radix and Microsoft collaborate to solve scarcity of crop expertise
Added on 26 October 2022

Microsoft wrote an article and made a video about this topic, together with Blue Radix, specialist in Autonomous Growing. Microsoft reached out 3 years ago and helped Blue Radix to develop a commercial version of an AI-driven solution for Autonomous Growing. This solidified the partnership and helped develop what would become the commercially available Crop Controller service.
Ronald Hoek, CEO of Blue Radix: “Microsoft Azure helps us to develop algorithms to step into the gap that is growing because of the increasing scarcity of skilled and experienced growers. So, with the help of Microsoft we enable growers and greenhouse entrepreneurs to produce healthy and safe food for the growing world population.”
Laurens van der Spek, COO of Blue Radix adds: “Microsoft supports us in ensuring a robust, secure and scalable IT-landscape for our worldwide customers. Our data platform and services have been developed in close collaboration with Microsoft (Azure). We can now explore data better, faster and in a secure way to serve our customers.”
Ronald concludes: “With Microsoft, we are empowered to build algorithms to contribute to the production of healthy and safe food for people all over the world. And with this, we are working together for a better and safer planet.”
Want to know more about the collaboration?
Read the Microsoft article here
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