EFH function in AmpEDGE farm management software
Added on 05 October 2023

AmplifiedAg, an agtech company built on the principles and architecture of enterprise-grade multi-tenant SaaS agricultural technology, has broken the segmented application mold and announces the release of the Enterprise Farm Health (EFH) function for operators running on its AmpEDGE farm software platform. The EFH provides users with a single all-encompassing view of an entire farming enterprise and the inbound and outbound supply chain.
Instead of only being able to access data farm by farm, the Enterprise Farm Health function assembles and organizes details from every farm in a user’s network – across all site locations, facilities, and farm environments including container farms, vertical farms, and greenhouses.
This visibility provides the user with the real-time health of an entire organization and its key functions to easily access consolidated environmental, operational, financial and risk reporting.
From the enterprise viewpoint, the user can narrow in on a farm facility, to a site location, all the way down to an individual farm unit, and be able to navigate and control all of the associated functions and data analytics including environmental controls systems, harvest yields, food safety metrics, inventory, client orders, finance, and more.
Image: AmplifiedAg
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