What is an AI-based company?
Added on 08 May 2023

What more can be said about AI? For the last several years it’s been the hot-button topic on everyone’s mind. Chat GPT is getting brought up by everyone from influencers, to business people, and even us farmers.
Is it good? Is it evil? What are its capabilities? What are its limits?
While these are all valid questions, I have a slightly different perspective on the potential of AI. Of course, this is revolutionary technology we’re dealing with, but I do not think it is something that should be feared, or revered. At least not in every context and domain.
Instead, AI should be seen for what it is – a tool that can be used in tandem with other technologies to provide value. While AI has had a lot of buzz surrounding it recently, I don’t think we should see it as any more important than the countless other pieces of technology that make up our world.
Keep reading for a more in-depth view of how I view AI, how ecoation uses this technology, and whether or not we should be considered an AI-based company.
How I view AI
The term AI has become abused lately. Let me explain.
Any company that has statistics, computation, or machine learning involved in what they sell has been quick to label itself as an AI company. This is what happens when a certain aspect of technology becomes overwhelmingly trendy. Even if a company is using a combination of technologies that don’t involve AI, by labelling them as such they can get more attention from the public, and from investors.
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