Terra Nova unveils CAST introductions
Added on 08 April 2020

The company also planning to release a new video series called, "Terra Nova Varieties View" to provide an interactive digital showcase of the new plants.
Select new varieties include anemone Satin Doll Blush; begonia Holiday 'New Year's Eve'; brunnera 'Alexandria'; coleus Nova 'Mad Medusa'; coleus 'Monkey Puzzle'; kniphofia 'Poco Citron'; leucanthemum 'Mt. Hood'; and sedum 'Conga Line'
"Terra Nova Nurseries has bred numerous stunning, brand-new plant varieties for the spring-summer ordering and buying season," says Larry Finley, sales manager for Terra NovaNurseries.
New coneflowers from Terra Nova are echinacea Dark Shadows Wicked; echinacea Prima Saffron (pictured above); echinacea Sunny Days Lemon; and echinacea Sunny Days Ruby.
Helleborus North Star Crystalline; helleborus North Star Garnet Frills; helleborus North Star Pink; helleborus North Star Plum; and helleborus North Star Ruby Heart are also new varieties from the Terra Nova.
"Throughout the coming days and weeks, we will be digitally showcasing Terra Nova's wide range of new varieties, series and collections in several creative ways, including online photo galleries at www.terranovanurseries.com, on social media channels, various press releases and a new video series," says Chuck Pavlich, Terra Nova's director of new product development.
The videos will be posted to the company's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/TerraNovaNursInc, released to the trade media and promoted through Terra Nova's social media channels throughout the spring 2020 season.
Viewers of the digital content will be encouraged to post questions and comments about the varieties as they are posted online.
To learn more about Terra Nova Nurseries, visit www.terranovanurseries.com.
Source and Photo Courtesy of gpn mag
Source: gpn mag
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