The best solution for excellent-tasting tomatoes
Added on 20 April 2020

An ultramodern greenhouse is currently being built in Emmerting, which will be operational in the summer of 2020. Steiner is going to use LED lighting and therefore various LED fixtures were tested for this purpose last winter. Ultimately in February, the choice fell on Oreon's water cooled fixtures. In the end a logical choice according to Steiner: "The Oreon fixtures are powerful, small and have already proven their effectiveness above many crops. In addition, the water-cooling ensures a stable greenhouse climate so that the fixtures can be used much more flexibly. The best solution for sustainably grown and excellent-tasting tomatoes".
Although Oreon's LED grow lights are already used by various growers over tomatoes, they've been tested extensively at Steiner. The results have been compared and analyzed continuously by, among others, the Fachhochschule. It soon became clear that the results were very good. Growth rate, weight and quality were above expectations. In addition, the reuse of the removed heat also offers prospects for the future. The entire system then becomes even more efficient and sustainable, something Steiner always strives for.
Steiner has opted for the 'Dutch Powerhouse Empress'. This fixture provides high light levels and good uniformity. At Steiner's request, the spectrum has been slightly modified, with a small percentage of white being added to improve color recognition.
Main reasons for choosing Empress are;
• Better growth results
• Custom spectrum
• Longer lifespan
• No problems with greenhouse cleaning (no active fans)
• Less shade in summer thanks to the compact design
• Energy savings
• Reuse of heat
• Sustainable and environmentally friendly
• Easy mounting
"We are of course very happy and proud that Steiner has chosen Oreon, especially after such extensive testing. They did not go overnight, so it is all the more wonderful that Oreon has emerged as the winner," says Peter Barentsen, Sales Manager of Oreon.
The complete installation of the LED fixtures and the water-cooling is done by Indagro Lighting under the direction of Erik Creve. Indagro and Oreon have been working together for several years and Oreon is once again looking forward to completing a successful project. "We have already installed Oreon fixtures all over the world", says Creve. "Close to home in Belgium but also in the desert of Las
Vegas. We are now one of the specialized companies in this field. The installations are prepared in our own workshop and delivered as ready-made as possible on-site in Emmerting. This allows the work on site to be carried out efficiently and quickly". The fixtures will light up for the first time in August 2020 and illuminate the tomatoes from mid-October.
Source: Goedemorgen
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