The best winter greens aren't green—They're pink
Added on 06 January 2020

I mean, radicchio has its own zine now. There's a whole two-city culinary event built around them. If you don't believe a lowly bitter edible is worth such carrying on, I've got four words for you: "legal psychedelic vegetable prom."
These are no mere roughage for the salad plate; they're as magnificent as any bowl of peonies. If you want to see your garden through rose-colored glasses, plan on planting in late summer; these greens sweeten up in a cool-season chill and are best harvested in winter and spring, when the danger of bolting has long passed. If you can't wait that long, look for these varieties in better-stocked produce aisles and farmers' markets.
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Photo Courtesy of Agricolavalverde
Source: Sunset
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