Valent BioSciences continues to innovate

Valent BioSciences continues to innovate

With its strong global presence, Valent BioSciences is a worldwide leader in the research, development, manufacturing, and commercialization of biorational products for the agriculture market whose mission is to reimagine agriculture through the power of fermentation and microbiology. The Valent BioSciences product family includes bioinsecticides, biofungicides, bionematicides, mycorrhizal fungi, soil enhancement products, and plant growth regulators utilized in sustainable growing systems. These products are used on more than 200 different crops globally, including a wide range of vegetables, pome fruit, stone fruit, nuts, potatoes, berries, vines, and oil palm.

To deliver its innovative biorational solutions to customers in a timely and efficient manner, Valent BioSciences works with numerous regional affiliates around the world.

Biorationals and Sustainability

Biorational products are typically derived from natural or biological origins. They include:

ˇ       Biorational crop protection products, including biofungicides, bioinsecticides, and bionematicides

ˇ       Plant Growth Regulators

ˇ       Biostimulants

ˇ       Technologies to enhance soil health and carbon capture

ˇ       Microbial seed treatment

The need for innovative biorational technologies and products has never been greater, and these biorational products provide sustainable and effective controls for agriculture.

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Photo: Emily Stoutenborough
Corporate Communications Manager
Valent BioSciences LLC

Source: Ag News
