Webinar to address consumer houseplant purchasing trends

Webinar to address consumer houseplant purchasing trends

The Floral Marketing Fund (FMF) is hosting a webinar on Dec. 9 at 1:00 p.m. to present results from a consumer preferences study about houseplants conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study's researchers, Dr. Melinda Knuth of North Carolina State University, Dr. Hayk Khachatryan of the Mid-Florida Research and Education Center at the University of Florida, and Dr. Charlie Hall of Texas A&M University, will reveal the data, address trends in houseplant purchasing, and discuss how the industry can capitalize on them. Register for the webinar here.

To better understand the rising popularity of houseplants over the last decade, this study addresses the gaps in information that speak to the main drivers of consumer usage. Most recently, due in part to COVID-19, sales have seen further growth because people spend more time at home and engage in more plant-related activities. The results of this study help to gain a more comprehensive understanding of motivations for plant purchasing during COVID-19 and determine how the industry can sustain this positive growth as consumers return to their "normal" life and work activities.

Consumer Houseplant Purchasing focuses on houseplants specifically. The study and webinar answer questions such as:

  • What type of outlets do different consumers prefer to shop for houseplants?
  • Why do older consumers have a lower affinity to buy houseplants?
  • Which houseplant categories are best liked?
  • To what extent do value-added attributes like decorative pots increase the probability of purchase?

Ultimately, this study exemplifies how COVID-19 affects plant attitudes, perceptions, and purchasing behavior.

Click here for more information.

Photo created by jcomp - www.freepik.com

Source: Greenhouse Grower
