Adjusting irrigation water to max plant yields

Adjusting irrigation water to max plant yields

Whether it's for ornamental flowers, vegetables, or cannabis plants, increasing greenhouse yield comes from more than just your choice of plant fertilizer. Adjusting your irrigation water is just as important and impacts what type of water-soluble fertilizer you use.

recent post from Plant-Prod is designed to help you determine what acid to add to reduce alkalinity and ensure the right nutrients are getting to your plants, including a handy Acid Choice Chart.

In a previous post on how to increase plant yield by adjusting your irrigation water, the Plant-Prod team discussed the difference between bicarbonates and pH and noted the need for neutralizing high bicarbonate levels in irrigation water. If high levels are not addressed, they can react with calcium and magnesium to form bicarbonate salts, further increasing media pH and removing vital plant nutrients from the solution.

Ideally, you want to see a bicarbonate level between 60-100 ppm (HCO3). When your irrigation water analysis shows a higher level than this, it is time to consider using acid to neutralize enough bicarbonates to bring your count down to this range.

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Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Source: Greenhouse Grower
