Peat-free in action on ICL Four Oaks stand
Added on 04 September 2024

Featured plants from ICL’s extensive 2024 peat-free trials, visitors could assess for themselves the performance of HNS and perennials in different Levington Advance Sustain mixes and compare Osmocote 5 rates and longevities.
“Replicating quality peat-based growing media, ICL is leading the way screening and blending different Fibagro Advance woodfibre fractions to optimise the performance of our peat-reduced and peat-free mixes,” says ICL’s UK sales manager, Adrian Thirtle-Watts.
“Following major R&D and investment at our Nutberry site, we can now produce four grades of Fibagro Advance, with the two new finer grades – ‘Super Fine’ and ‘Fine’ – complementing the ‘Standard’ and ‘Coarse’ grades. Our thermo-mechanical process produces split end fibres that interlock with coir, bark and peat, creating an excellent matrix for root growth. Fully renewable, Fibagro Advance is manufactured in the UK using FSC certified raw material — a by-product of the timber industry.
“To optimise plant performance in our sustainable Levington Advance mixes, ICL offers excellent nutrition packages featuring the latest generation Osmocote 5 controlled release NPK fertiliser with trace elements. In addition, our fully coated Osmocote N (35-0-5) and granular slow release Osmoform High N (38-0-0) are helping improve overall plant performance, while reducing growers’ reliance on Calcium Nitrate – helping minimise leaching. For water soluble fertiliser options, there is our extensive Peters and Universol ranges, including formulations for hard and soft water.”
Other stand highlights included ICL’s 3-in-1 wetting agent H2Gro. “Playing a key role improving water management, it helps overcome any hydrophobicity issues relating to wood-based products,” says Adrian.
Robust communities of beneficial soil microbes are essential to soil productivity. During processing peat-free raw materials — such as woodfibre, coir and loam — are heat treated, depleting their natural microbial communities.
“Promoting healthy microbiomes in sustainable growing media mixes, our microbial inoculant Vitalnova TriBoost contains enzymes and three beneficial live cultures — Bacilllus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus plantarum,” explains Adrian. “Stimulating natural processes, this proven biostimulant helps boost plant vitality optimising quality, while minimising losses. Available in a new 5kg, as well as 25kg pack, TriBoost can be pre-incorporated into growing media mixes or simply applied as a drench.”
Turning to vine weevil control, he says: “with the residual UK vine weevil population on the rise, growers need to take a belt and braces approach to control. In addition to nematodes, we recommend including Lalguard M52 in IPM programmes to boost control.Conveniently pre-incorporated into growing media mixes, it ensures every plant potted on the nursery is treated.”
Meanwhile, this year’s popular ICL Four Oaks seminar focused on ‘Practical advances in peat-free growing’. Andrew Wilson, technical manager for the UK & Ireland, took growers through ICL’s 2024 peat-free growing media trials - which include 100% Fibagro Advance demonstration mixes - as well as the latest peat-free Osmocote 5 trials seeking to optimise plant growth and health.
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