Growing under full LED: the opportunities and the challenges

Growing under full LED: the opportunities and the challenges
Photo Courtesy of Priva

In the greenhouse horticulture sector, growers are faced with the challenge of constant innovation, both to work more efficiently and to produce more sustainably. A clear trend in the sector is the transition from traditional lighting systems (HPS) to LED lighting. This can lead to significant energy savings, but there are issues to be considered. Hein Jasperse and Rick van der Burg, Priva Consultants, share their experience and some tips.

Dealing with a different water balance
“Conversations with customers have taught us that the plant’s evaporation changes when using LED lighting. This may require adjustments to the cultivation strategy,” says Hein Jasperse. “Since the water uptake may be different, settings for irrigation and fertilization need to be re-examined. As a Priva consultant, I offer tips and tricks for adjusting these settings in the climate computer.”

LED training
In addition to the consultancy services we offer clients, we also organize training courses on a regular basis. For example, we recently held a training at our main office in the Netherlands, focused on the use of LED lighting with the Priva Connext climate computer. During this training, we went into more detail on the new lighting control in Connext for modulating control of LED lighting. In addition, cultivation specific challenges were addressed, with key concerns such as reduced water uptake and finding a balance between light intensity and temperature. The training also homed in on the possibility of linking lighting strategies to electricity management.

Modulating control of LED lighting
Demand continues to grow for the latest software version of the Priva Connext climate computer, which can be used for modulating control of LED lighting. “We have been installing the new software on a large scale over the past few months,” Rick van der Burg says. “An important advantage of the software is that the modulating lighting strategy can be linked to electricity management, heat management and screen controls. With this integration you can create the perfect balance between the right amount of light for the crop and your energy consumption. It’s even possible to link the electricity management to the imbalance market.”

The new lighting control can be applied with a lot of flexibility, because in addition to controlling the light intensity, you can also adjust various colors in the channel control, such as far-red light.

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