Israeli researchers develop tomatoes resilient to viruses

Israeli researchers develop tomatoes resilient to viruses
Tomatoes at Volcani Institute (Photo: Ministry of Agriculture)

Innovative approaches are enhancing tomato durability against destructive diseases and climate change.

The tomato is considered a particularly popular fruit in Israel. It features in all meals, and it's hard to imagine our dining table without it. However, over the past month, many Israelis have struggled to find tomatoes in their local supermarkets. When tomatoes do appear on the shelves, the prices are exorbitant and the quality is low. The suspension of imports from Turkey and supplies from Jordan, due to suspected cholera, has led to a 40% shortage of tomatoes in the market. Local issues also contribute: reliance on increasing imports has reduced local production, which is already declining each year due to climate change. Adding to the problem is a virulent virus that can easily wipe out entire greenhouses.

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