The experience of Wim Peters Nurseries with ClimaFlow

The experience of Wim Peters Nurseries with ClimaFlow
Wim Peters. Photo Courtesy of svensson

Wim Peters Kwekerijen is dedicated to sustainable, future-focused cultivation, with cultivation specialist Henk van der Loos playing a pivotal role. Henk has been involved in the development of Svensson's innovative ClimaFlow system from the start. In this article, he shares his insights on ClimaFlow and how it has elevated tomato cultivation to new heights.

The challenge: achieving a consistent greenhouse climate

Henk: “When we first started using lighting in our greenhouses in 2006/2007, we noticed that there were a lot of temperature differences. Especially in cold periods below zero, the temperature could differ by five degrees between the greenhouse facade and the central path. This problem mainly came with cracks in our screens, but that brought other problems with it.”

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