IPM course by Ridder and Wageningen University
Added on 25 July 2022
Basic Principles of Integrated Ecological Pest Management
Prof. Dr. Gerben Messelink - Distinguished Professor and Senior Researcher in Biological Pest Management in Greenhouse Production Systems at Wageningen University & Research gave the participants a detailed lecture on the basic principles of integrated ecological pest management. He presented the main pest species in the greenhouse and their biological and living characteristics. As well as this, Messelink explained various biological control strategies for integrated pest management of greenhouse crops.
Disease Control strategies
Dr. Marjolein Kruidhof is a scientific researcher in greenhouse horticultural entomology at Wageningen University, where she is responsible for the development of new (biological) control methods for various greenhouse pests. Kruidhof provided the participants with a comprehensive analysis of biological control and main natural enemy taxa for integrated pest management of greenhouse crops. As well as this, she explained various agricultural control strategies for integrated pest management and disease control of greenhouse crops.
Bridging knowledge transfer
Dr. Yutong Qiu, who has been working on insect olfactory physiology and behavioral ecology at the Entomology Laboratory of Wageningen University in the Netherlands for more than 20 years, provided a simultaneous translation and explanation of the course to support the transfer of the knowledge to the Chinese students.
Photo Courtesy of Ridder
Source: Ridder
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