Want to sell more plants? Make them unique

Want to sell more plants? Make them unique

Among the many uncertainties the horticulture industry has faced over the last three years, one of the biggest is how to keep the consumers gained during the COVID-19 lockdowns coming back for more plants. That question may echo concerns from previous economic downturns, but there are signs of optimism this time, even if the overall price tag may be down.

“With inflation and having more options for how to spend your money, people are making different decisions,” said Kyle Brewer, Sales and Marketing Manager for Deroose Plants, in an article published on GreenhouseGrower.com earlier this year. “It’s our responsibility to listen to that and still be a part of their everyday life. You have to make your price point attractive, and that coincides with growing different material and growing smaller material to get the product moving.”

In other words, the efforts the industry is making to retain plant buying must both progress and evolve. It also means the focus needs to be not just on the plants people buy, but also on why and how they buy, and how to keep plants and gardening fresh in their minds.

I’ll admit I’ve never been the plant expert on our team. I tend to be drawn more to the technology inside the greenhouse, or the broader decisions business owners wrestle with on hiring the right people and planning for future growth. That’s why I think of myself as a “typical” consumer who will walk into a box store or garden center uncertain of what I’m looking for. In that case, I’m likely going to be drawn to something unique.

Continue reading.

Image by artursafronovvvv on Freepik


